发布时间:2010-03-11 10:13:19
  62.What sport do you play?你喜欢玩哪种体育运动?

  63. I play football/ table tennis/ badminton …我喜欢踢足球/ 打乒乓球/打羽毛球……  I practice Taiji / karate…我打太极拳/ 练空手道……

  64.Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗?

  Yes, very much.是的,很喜欢。

  Not really.不太喜欢。

  I like watching it.我喜欢看(游泳比赛)。

  65.Who's playing?参加比赛的是哪个队?

  66. Who are you cheering for?你支持哪个队?

  67.Who do you think will win?你觉得哪个队会赢?

  68.Go! Go !/ Come on!加油!/ 加油!

  69.Great !好!Nice shot!好球!

  70.What is the score?现在比分多少 / 几比几了?

  What was his / her place?他/她排名第几了?

  71.We won!我们赢了!

  We won the gold medal!我们得金牌了!(silver/ bronze) (银 / 铜)


  73.That was a great / boring event!这场比赛太棒了/ 真没劲 !What a great event!比赛太精彩了!